Sunday 25 October 2020

FILM REVIEW: Silver Screen #1 - Bolton Film Festival

Here I look at two more films from Bolton's online Film Festival, these two were in their classification, 'Silver Screen'.

1. A Glimpse - UK - Dir: Tom Turner

A clever and stylistic short from Turnstyle Productions and Slick Films, which sees a young girl enter a crowded cafe wanting only to charge her phone and sits opposite a young man on his own. They strike up a converstion and this leads to them becoming partners and living together; although we also see that this relationship isn't a bed of roses and doesn't end happily.

It's not the subject matter of this film which is interesting or different but the way the film approaches the narrative giving it a different spin, and making it more interesting in so doing.

Chris Overton and Rachel Sharton are the two talented protagonists.

2. Talk Radio - UK - Dir: Ben S Hyland.

Another quirky and off-beat quasi-sketch story which works really well in this medium. Dark, humorous, and unexpected, this short tells the story of a bored and unfulfilled elderly housewife who switches the radio on whilst preparing dinner for her and her husband, and becomes very suspicious when she listens to the 'Relationship Hour', a talk show where people call in and discuss their relationship problems. She has just seen her husband walk into the shed, and now she hears his voice on the radio, and it isn't good news. She decides to take matters into her own hands.....

Again, as with 'A Glimpse' above, it is the way the director has chosen to tease this story out and present it which is more interesting than a conventional narrative; and the end is worth waiting for...!

Julia Deakin and Pearce Quigley take on the roles with realism and assuredness.

Reviewer - Matthew Dougall
on - 22/10/20

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