Tuesday 15 December 2020

NEWS: Hand To Hand Combat - a short film about domestic abuse released today.

Online release of short film 'Hand to Hand' to raise awareness of domestic abuse.

Short film to be released online TODAY Tues 15th December

Filmed remotely during lockdown with a cast of 45 women, Hand to Hand Combat is a seven-minute short film told from the perspective of an observer to domestic violence. The film has been produced in the hope of raising public awareness of an important issue that directly affects almost one in three women according to the ONS, and which recent reports indicate have been further exacerbated by the lockdown restrictions.

It has been written by Jayne Marshall and directed by Paul Blinkhorn, with a company of actors and non-actors. Jayne and Paul assert that “If just one person is able to find comfort and safety from the film then we will have achieved our goal.”


Prior to being reconceived for film Hand to Hand Combat was one of the winners of the Manchester Monologues and was performed at the Royal Exchange Theatre and aired on BBC Radio Manchester. Writer Jayne Marshall wrote the piece following something that she herself witnessed: “I recalled an incident I witnessed on a busy street one Saturday afternoon. A man was hurling abuse at a woman and no-one stopped to intervene, in fact one or two were filming it on their phones. I was too scared of whether this man would then attack me if I said anything, so I went off and found a police officer. This has bothered me ever since and I wondered what I could have done differently. This woman was so scared and I wished with all my heart that I could have put up some kind of protective barrier and this is where idea of the Women of Manchester came in.”

The film will be being released publicly online on YouTube TODAY Tuesday 15th December and can be viewed Hand to Hand Combat - YouTube

#DomesticAbuse #HandToHand #WomenOfManchester #NotAlone #MakeItStop


The facts:


Almost one in three women aged 16-59 will experience domestic abuse in her lifetime

Office for National Statistics (2019) Domestic abuse in England and Wales overview: November 2019


Two women a week are killed by a current or former partner in England and Wales alone

Office for National Statistics (2019) Homicide in England and Wales: year ending March 2018 (average taken over 10 years)


In the year ending March 2019, 1.6 million women experienced domestic abuse

Office for National Statistics (2019) Domestic abuse victim characteristics, England and Wales: year ending March 2019


In the year ending March 2018, nine times more women than men were killed by their partner or ex-partner

Office for National Statistics (2019) Homicide in England and Wales: year ending March 2018

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