Friday 26 November 2021

BOOK REVIEW: A Zombie Bit Myffanie

TITLE: A Zombie Bit Myffanie
AUTHOR: Simon Carr

In typical author Carr style, this book is rude, crude and hilarious with gratuitous violence; Carr’s regular readers will love this story set in a Welsh village where an invasion by zombies takes place. 

This horror comedy story is as ridiculous as Carr’s previous tales; this one describes how a plague is spreading across the world; hero Barry and girlfriend Myffanie need to somehow save the market value of the house they purchased in Ptthwit five years earlier by battling a zombie apocalypse whilst at the same time somehow making an effort to save the planet.

A zombie horde is overrunning the village due to an accident in a nearby cosmetics laboratory; the entire planet could be over-run if they aren’t stopped or worse still, it could completely wipe out the extra value Barry's garage extension put onto their property.

Readers who enjoy crude humour, dry satire, talking cows and two of the dumbest heroes ever, will enjoy this foray into the bizarre world of author, Carr.

This humorous story appears to be a satire aimed at the government’s mishandling of the Coronavirus pandemic and as such it is an interesting well-written story with a diverse approach, likening it to a zombie outbreak.

Regular readers of Carr’s books will be thoroughly immersed in the plot and will enjoy the humour, the characters and the dialogue. It is well-paced and well-structured. Unfortunately, the copy I have uses a type face which is very difficult to read and could be off-putting for some readers.

Reviewer - Anne Pritchard

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