Friday 24 September 2021

BOOK REVIEW: Legends Of Erin: Beyond The Castle Door

TITLE: Legends Of Erin: Beyond The Castle Door
AUTHOR: Meadow Griffin
PUBLISHED BY: Olympia Publishing

I was gripped from the start of this fantasy tale which transported me into a world of surprise and wonder. I love stories which take me into another kingdom and I eagerly became immersed in this one.

12 year old twins, Tase and Fadin along with their elder brother, Clearie have spent a normal life with their parents in an ordinary house when they are suddenly propelled into quite a different life when their father is suddenly killed in a car accident. Along with their mother, they have no option but to move in with their aunt who lives in a mysterious Irish castle surrounded by dangerous woods.

Baffling situations which only goblins and magic can explain become their norm. Their curiosity and courage come to the fore and they uncover answers to some of the many questions that puzzle them.

Upon starting this imaginary tale, I soon became fully immersed in the strange world around the castle and I couldn’t wait to turn the page to find out more.

This is an excellent fantasy page-turner with witty dialogue which young teenagers and grown-ups will love to read, a great novel for children and adults.

I was taken on an emotional journey cleverly interwoven with sorrow, happiness, mystery, and amusement. Christian values are also endorsed in the story.

I enjoyed the mix of characters and found them both believable and likeable and eagerly wanted to know more about what happens to them next. 

This story brings to mind fantasy fiction books such as the Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and the Chronicles of Narnia, and readers who enjoyed those will love this tale which will sweep them off their feet as the story is simply beautiful. Upon finishing this book readers will long to know about the many things still unexplained, no doubt these will be told in upcoming sequels.

The inclusion of the Pronunciation Guide at the beginning of the book and the explanation by the author that many of the words in the book are difficult to pronounce, and nearly all of them are spelled quite differently from how they are spoken, is very helpful.

Black and white drawings beautifully illustrate the story.

Reviewer - Anne Pritchard

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