Friday 11 September 2020

ONLINE MONOLOGUE REVIEW: Spotify v Top Of The Pops - The Lockdown Theatre Company, London.

Yesterday I watched three short monologues back to back from the online theatre company headed by Rohan Candappa called Lockdown Theatre. The company has produced about 20 monologues during these last few months and have uploaded them all for free on their YouTube channel.

This one was called "Spotify Versus Top Of The Pops" and was written by Rohan Candappa and performed by Lesley Wilcox.

An older lady, quite well spoken, a retired psychologist we find out, is chatting about how her daughter had bought her Spotify for her birthday. Up until that point she had been aware of the name but nothing more than that; but now she loves it.. it is a virtual jukebox with everything available whenever you want it. However - that's also the problem with it. She has gone through life following convention and unwritten rules, in " a state of constant bemusement"; and as an avid fan of pop muisc especially Top Of The Pops when she was much younger. She compares the immediacy, availability and the knoweldge that everything is available just at the click of a button to the surprise and anticipation from the not knowing and thrill of live TOTP shows.

Not a particularly strong piece with no real gut-punching tagline, but instead we just want to shake her and say "get a grip love, times have changed and we're living in the 21st century now. Take the rose-tinted specs off and get on with living!"

Guest Reviewer - Pink Davies
on - 10/9/20

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