Monday 14 September 2020

ONLINE MONOLOGUE REVIEW: Choices - The Lockdown Theatre Company, London.

Gemma Ryan is pictured here performing her Rohan Candappa written monologue for the Lockdown Theatre Company's online airing of 'Choices'.

Ryan is an NHS nurse working with COVID patients. She has seen everything from the start of the pandemic, and in a very sympathetic and honest series of short interconnecting vignette-style speeches she talks about the daily choices that her life and work have made her consider.

She has watched both patients and colleagues suffer with and die from the coronavirus and has had herself to make some difficult choices - even the choice to help the dying patients whilst wearing insufficient PPE and knowing the risks, is a daily one. She speaks of lifting an I-pad up to a patient so that their loved ones can say good-bye, and your heart just breaks.

Candappa brings out the reality of the situation with both brutal honesty and empathy, and concludes with perhaps a cliche - but we'll forgive him - by saying we all have choices, and we should make them wisely.

To all the NHS staff out there who are either currently helping those in need or who have lost their lives in so doing; we salute you.

Reviewer - Matthew Dougall
on - 13.9.20

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