Wednesday 3 June 2020

ONLINE SITCOM REVIEW: Behind Closed Doors: Episode 2 - on YouTube

We left episode 1 - way back in April - on a big cliffhanger....

Episode 2 now continues where the first one left off in true serial fashion!

In this epiosde we are introduced to a few new people too. There is a busy-body neighbour peeping through the curtain, his wife and adult son, who turns out to be a headmaster of the local school but scared of children and allergic to cats! There's a new young girl too, the neice, to add to the gossipers and backstabbers, who is basically a prankster, and the girls continue their video-chatting and doing all they can to get away from doing any actual work. And we leave the episode with a couple of youngsters washing people's cars ostensibly for a good cause....

As last time, all the characters record their own parts in isolation in their own houses, and then through the magic of technology, are editied and put together to make it watchable and understandable for an 'audience'. Despite the falseness of the scenarios - as an actor myself I know how difficult it is to have to act realistically in a void with no-one to bounce off - the cast carry this off extremely well.

I think now though that we have been introduced to enough characters and before we start getting confused as to who is who, we haven't learned enough about any of them yet. It would be nice to see an episode 3 where we learn more about the protagonists, some of the storylines have resolutions, there are consequences of these resolutions, and further misdemeanors within the relationships already created are set up.

It's a very enjoyable family sit-com, so please keep the ideas coming!

Reviewer - Matthew Dougall
on - 3/6/20

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