Monday 1 June 2020

DANCE REVIEW: Beauty And The Beast - online made-in-isolation - Salford University Drama Group

SUDS [Salford University Drama Group] took to technology and didn't let the lockdown put them off performing. So instead of a live presentation, they filmed themselves whilst in isolattion and through the wonders of modern technology, were able to put together a quite convincing 30 minute online dance show.

Georgie King took the unseen role of Narrator, and with photo stills of the Emma Watson film remake, told the parts of the story in between those which were danced by the students in order to make the story complete.The music was from The Disney film, and the choreography was from Faith Hiles, Beth Lawrence, and Megan Loughran.

It was a nice idea and worked surprisingly well; better in fact than I imagined it would. Each dancer had found from their own wardrobe, as near a costume to suit as possible, and despite them all dancing in different places at different times, somehow, once edited online, it all seemed to come together quite well. The story was understandable, the dancing was good and clear, and the whole quite enjoyable.

Belle was danced by Anna Rafferty, whilst - and here comes my only negative criticism - the Beast and the Prince (actually the same perosn) were danced by two dancers here, and they made no attempt to even try to look similar. The Beast didn't even have a beast mask, meaning there was no transformation, and so one simply had to just accept him, a handsome man, as a beast... odd! - however, that didn't mean the dancing was any worse off for it, and the two dancers were Rodolfo Fernandes (Beast) and Christopher ratcliffe (Prince).

Other dancers took the roles of the Beast's crockery, furniture, etc as well as the rose; but my favourite character / dancer in the show was the comedy horse Philippe, danced by Jessica Stone.

A very creative and happy use of lockdown time and energy, and perfect to show to young children to both entertain and inspire. Thank you.

Reviewer - Matthew Dougall
on - 30/5/20

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