Sunday 20 June 2021

DANCE THEATRE REVIEW: Future Cargo - The Lowry Theatre, Salford.

Performed in and on a large lorry parked outside the theatre in the open air, Future Cargo is an original piece of devised movement-based theatre which involves the audience wearing headphones to listen to the music and other extraneous noises necessary for our understanding and enjoyment, although the four performers themselves do not speak throughout this 50 minute piece.

An ideal piece to tour with in our COVID times, as audiences can more easily social distance when outside, and the company of four already have their transport.. it's also their stage.

I have to admit to only partially understanding the story, or at least my interpretation of the story. Perhaps there are multiple interpretations, as is so often the case with modern dance-theatre. However, what I think is a 'given' is that the driver of a large lorry becomes lost and is unable to call for help on his radio. At the same moment aliens, who may or may not have been hiding in his lorry all along, start to come to life and start to assess their new and unfamiliar surroundings. They try on human clothing, marvel at simple human items such as a water-dispenser, and look on in wonder at plants and birds. The lorry driver then decides to go for help, and climbs a hill (to the top of the lorry). However, after that, the storyline obfuscates beyond my understanding, and so how or why one of the aliens transforms into an astronaut ostensibly walking on the moon whilst the lorry driver descends into the truck to become an alien, was lost on me.

The lorry's interior, once the side opens up for us to view is a large blank sceen which changes colour, and in front of this a conveyor belt upon which the aliens stand, move, dance, dress up etc passing along the full length of the truck before curving sharply behind the screen to reappear on the other side. It was a nice effect, it worked surprisingly well. Although having to watch just that for almost the entire length of the show was certainly pushing the boudaries of my patience and acceptance. 

Aliens, in this case, wear silver morph suits, and despite the visual repetition, the four cast members were creative, consistent and totally invested in their presentation. It's innovative and unique, and the piece was devised and produced by Frauke Requardt and David Rosenberg in association with The Place (London). Future Cargo is their fourth collaboration.

Reviewer - Matthew Dougall
on - 19.6.21

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