Saturday 19 June 2021

BOOK REVIEW: Greenbank Primary School: First Aid Brought To Life - Malcolm Sweetlove.

TITLE: Greenbank Primary School: First Aid Brought To Life
AUTHOR: Malcolm Sweetlove
PUBLISHER: Cranthorpe Millner Publishing.

Greenbank PrimarySchool: First Aid Brought To Life is a narrative non-fiction book which relays medical information contained within a story. It is a First Aid handbook, written for 10-12 year olds and is delivered in a delightful way. The main aim of the book is to increase life-saving knowledge and actions in young people and to improve statistics of life-saving and morbidity.

It tells a story of a fictional town, Humphrington, a school called Greenbank Primary and the Matthews clan interacting with family, friends and their children’s teachers in medical emergencies. The range of topics covered are relevant to all ages; from a parent having a seizure or a severe asthma attack to more minor emergencies such as nosebleeds and stings in children. A whole range of incidents are covered where a youngster could make a tremendous difference to the outcome of a medical emergency and goes further to encourage young children to learn how to give cardiac resuscitation in order to preserve life until expert medical help is in attendance, something most adults may be nervous of doing.  Considering that UK success rates for survival outside of hospital for cardiac arrest are less than 10%, knowledge of such in those of a young age is to be applauded and could save many lives. Simple key actions are outlined which can be applied in the event of minor injuries such as severe wounds and broken limbs and more major incidents such as choking, drowning and concussion. The subject of making a 999 or 112 call is also covered, an essential, I think in any primary school curriculum.

The information is presented via engaging scenarios in an appealing manner with humour whilst conveying realistic situations. The subject of First Aid may be viewed by some as being not particularly exciting but this enlightening book delivers solutions to medical situations in an amusing way mirroring genuine circumstances and providing practical solutions.

Realistically illustrated by Maggie Kneen, with an activity section for the reader at the end of each chapter, this informative book will help contribute to youngsters’ interest in being proactive in serious medical situations and additionally be a useful resource for teachers.  The teaching of the basics of First Aid to primary school children, in the format of a story, is a brilliant idea and being relayed through the teachers and pupils in a school setting in an ideal way to introduce and educate youngsters about the importance of life skills training.

Author, Malcolm Sweetlove is the former Head Teacher of Special Needs at Withins School, Bolton and his book is due for publication in June 2021.

Reviewer - Anne Pritchard.

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