Saturday, 1 March 2025

REVIEW SOUNDTRACK OF LIFE and TIMELESS TREASURES City College, City Centre Campus, The Longmore Theatre STUDENTS 2nd Year Musical Theatre students (17 and 18 year olds)

Without a programme or cast information sadly I am feeling a little lost. These were  Musical Theatre showcase / revue shows which moved swiftly from their opening full company song and dance "Revolting Children" from 'Matilda' / 'One', "A Chorus Line",  through 22 more songs, dances etc, culminating in their full company finale of "Raise You Up" from 'Kinky Boots' / 'Happy Feet' respectively.

Played out on a bare stage with minimal lighting effects and some haze, and with a semblance of costuming throughout, it was left to the performers' own versatility and talent to be able to convey all the rest through their performances. If I am completely honest then I feel that the choice of songs was at times a little unwise, as their voices and techniques were not yet ready to tackle these technically difficult song choices. This was especially true in the first of the two showcases. All however made a very brave effort and considering their ages and experience, managed to convey a highly emotive and entertaining evening, proving that this is a talented ensemble and truly deserved the long applause for their show at the end. 

A few of the numbers were unknown to me, and others I knew but could not remember titles etc. In the first showcase, there was a large blank screen to the side of stage left, which was used only once in the showcase to play images of the students as younger children learning their craft. Why could this screen not have advertised the title of each song and the name of those performing it? Whilst the second boasted live solo piano music from one of the students which could have been capitalised on more.
In general the sound levels for both evenings were set too high. Using playbacks of the songs they were singing and not a live musician is always tricky, and I felt that the cast would have benefitted from more playback turned onto the stage as they were not always singing or dancing in time with the recording. Further, when the accompaniment drowns out the soloist, as it did a few times, this also needs some consideration and adjustment. In the second showcase, Timeless Treasures, we experienced a lot of microphone issues, including loud feedback and them not even working for the soloists. That was such a shame, but huge kudos to the ensemble who carried on regardless.. very professional. Especially to the lead singer in 'Somebody To Love'.. well done. 

Personal favourites for Soundtrack Of Life evening were "Don't Rain On My Parade", "I Don't Want To Be Here Anymore", "Burn", the solo acting monologue, "Mein Herr", and "Heart Of Stone".  Whilst in Timeless Treasures my personal favourites were, "Mama Who Bore Me", "Goodnight My Someone", "Broadway Baby", and "Singin' In The Rain".

Two entertaining evenings watching some upcoming talent. Congratulations to all involved.

Reviewer - Alastair Zyggu 
Reviewed: 26.2.25

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