Wednesday, 12 March 2025

PLAY - GHOST STORIES Liverpool Playhouse


After thrilling audiences across the world with record-breaking, sell-out productions and a smash-hit film, Andy Nyman and Jeremy Dyson’s Ghost Stories, the long-running West End hit, returns to the Liverpool Playhouse.

This one act production was written 15 years ago by Jeremy Dyson (co-writer of the much acclaimed TV show, League of Gentlemen) and Award winning Actor/Director Andy Nyman; it has played in eight different world-wide countries and is once again currently touring the UK.

As the audience made their way to their seats, eerie howling noises could be heard in the auditorium leading up to the start of the play providing an unsettling, ambience, before narrator, Professor Goodman (Dan Tetsell) made his way onto the stage.  The voice-over that starts the show, adds to the apprehensive feeling as the audience are told if they leave the theatre during the production they will not be re-admitted.

This is a theatrical experience incorporating the investigation of three apparent hauntings and the experiences of three individuals as recounted by them, David Cardy as the world-weary night watchmen, Tony Matthews, Eddie Loodmer-Elliott as Simon Refkind, the slightly strange young student and Clive Mantle as the successful over-achieving businessman, awaiting his first child, Mike Priddle. Lucas Albion and Simon Bass are in supporting roles and understudying. 

All four main actors shine in their roles, being exceptional in their delivery with superb stage presence and acting ability keeping the audience enthralled throughout the production.

The staging (Jon Bausor), lighting (James Farncombe) and sound (Nick Manning) along with special effects (Scott Penrose) all added to the suspense and complimented writer/directors Andy Nyman and Jeremy Dyson’s excellent script.  The set has just enough suggestion to leave the audience’s imagination to do the rest. The clever use of lighting helps build-up the tension with clever use of blackout to unsettle even the bravest most laid-back audience member. Most scenes are dark and eerie making full use of shadows, dry ice and bright lights in the darkness, often shining directly into the audience, along with loud bangs and eerie suspense.

The play is an unusual sensory and electrifying encounter, which kept the audience on the edge of their seats throughout.  The audience at Ghost Stories are asked not to divulge the plot or secrets of the show and it would be unfair to include too much detail in this review as it will spoil it for future theatre-goers, except to say the show is not for the faint-hearted and will  appeal to lovers of physiological horror and the paranormal. It also has it’s comedic moments with original scary fun with many of the audience laughing in parts.

Audience’s will appreciate and admire the inclusion of the unusual presentation of the Professor’s lectures throughout the production, the skill of the scripting, the thought-challenging finale plus the very successful manufacture of excitement and anticipation throughout the whole production.

As an added feature, there was a post-show discussion following this performance with the creators of Ghost Stories, Jeremy Dyson and Andy Nyman, hosted by The Playhouse’s Chief Executive Mark Da Vanzo.

Theatre Content warnings:- Ghost Stories contains moments of extreme shock and tension. The show is unsuitable for anyone under the age of 15. The theatre strongly advises those of a nervous disposition to think very seriously before attending. Age range 15+

This production runs from 11th - 15th March 2025 and then tours UK until August 2025, see

Reviewer:  Anne Pritchard

Reviewed: 11.03.2025




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