Sunday 5 July 2020

CHILDREN'S THEATRE REVIEW: Moon River - Little Angel Theatre, online.

The latest production from Little Angel Theatre - a company specialising in puppetry and stories for the very young - was streamed online on their YouTube channel this morning. It is called 'Moon River'.

Using a new recording by Barb Jungr and Jenny Carr of the famous song of the same title in the film, 'Breakfast at Tiffany's', and basing their short adventure story on the book by Tim Hopgood, Alison Alexander and Chris Mason gave us a pop-up book night-time dream story about a young girl's journey along Moon River.

The well-designed pop-up book started with the young girl asleep in bed, and the rocking horse starts to rock as her dream takes hold and the moon river goes from the horse and out of the bedroom window. The adventure takes both horse and girl, as well as the girl's guitar-playing teddy bear on a journey along the Moon River across mountains, through valleys, and around some of the great cities and countries of the world, floating on their dream river underneath a full moon, which eventually brings them all back to the bedroom once again, and she has had a lovely little dream.

Skillfully created, gentle and lyrical. Probably best viewed with your young child though if you want to send them to sleep, rather than energise them.

Reviewer - Chris Benchley
on - 5/7/20


  1. Hello! I have a brilliant online show for kids and was wondering who I should contact requesting a review? If you want to check out our work, you can do so here: Thanks

    1. Morning George, I have sent you a message on your FB page but that remains unread sadly.. so replying here.. thanks for the contact and if you email me at with the details we'll happily take a look at the show for you. Thanks again, Matthew.
